Ystrad Mynach Primary

Green Action Takers

Wales & West

12 Pupils Involved
  • Regional Champion 2023

Making Ystrad Green

The children of Ystrad Mynach  set out to  make their village and primary school as eco friendly as possible by carrying out a series of actions to make a difference.

They did litter picks twice a week on the playgrounds, with and pupils learning to use the bins a lot more for their rubbish.  They planted a colourful wildlife attracting wheelbarrow in the centre of the village, which they painted and filled with flowers to try to encourage more wildlife to our village.  The children Interviewed the school caretaker to see how they could save money on electricity and recycle more.

The eco committee designed posters to encourage pupils to take part in bring a plant to school day.  The children brought in so many plants that they had to go and buy more compost and plant pots. The children brought in clothes that were too small for them, which were sent to Cash for clothes, so they could be reused.  Finally, they put up bird boxes and also installed a Swift song caller to encourage local birds and Swifts to nest in the school’s nestboxes.