Faraday and Maple Walk Prep Schools

Green Creators

South/ Central

15 Pupils Involved
  • Regional Winner 2023

How to build a Sustainable Island/ The Lilliputians from Trashland

Children across year groups came together to create two amazing animations.  How To Build A Sustainable Island sees its characters looking to a better, more sustainable future and recognising the damage we are doing to the environment.   They save and recycle their things in order to build an island and recognise the need to make sure that the animals and plants that live there would be protected.

The Lilliputians from Trashland are little people who want to stop humans from throwing litter.  They have a special power -to shrink people who throw their rubbish away carelessly!  It's a tough lesson, but the Lilliputians convince people to act more responsibly.