Diamond Wood Community Academy

Green Action Takers


12 Pupils Involved
  • Regional Winner 2023

Promoting a love of all things Eco

Diamond Wood Community Academy has a highly active and visible Eco Council, who are known throughout Kirklees for all their hard work.  The Eco Council meets every Monday and presents in assembly at least once every half term.The Eco Council have attended meetings in the community to help organise and take part in litter picks, plant bulbs in autumn ready to grow in spring, and take ownership of a council planter in the heart of Ravensthorpe which promotes planting for pollinators.

"S2R" is a charity the school has worked with to promote positive mental health by connecting with nature.  The Eco Council acted as pioneers, attending workshops with their parents.   The workshops have an eco and nature theme as well as focusing on the five ways to well-being and all of the children have been involved. Workshop themes have included: transient art with natural materials; winter wreath making; outdoor cooking; whittling;  creating stick men; life cycles; flower planting; suncatchers; and vegetable growing.  These workshops have been invaluable in supporting families after the Covid 19 pandemic and promoting good mental health while connecting with nature.